(whats new ? : Themes, Size, Help)

Hey there people ! We have released version 1.2 of our new tool for windows desktop. The new tool is named "Typing Speed Checker" as you can guess what is it by looking at the name so lets go straight into the topic.

This new tool is developed by Safeer Ahmed (me) and its just a 800 KB tool.
If you have ever wondered that your typing speed is slow or fast then just download this free tool and check your speed and get rated ;).

The tool is a simple (.exe) executable file, you just have to download it and run it, no installation is required. Its a direct run application.

The application has a black background and a simple white text overlay. You might wonder why is it black ? Because black color is represented as "no color" in pixels so no light is glowing on the black pixels and it wont bright up so less battery will be used if you're on a laptop or on a tablet. 

Some simple red and blue text overlays are used to represent the task of the specific line. For example, links will turn blue and close buttons will turn red when you hover your mouse pointer on them and when you leave their area, they will turn white again.  

The window size of the application is kept small because everyone uses different resolution types so if one has a 1080p and other has a 720p display then both can run the application without disturbing the resolution.

The application is virus free and is intended for education and fun purposes. Your typing speed will be judged by the amount of time it requires for you to write the given sentence.

We have added a help window from where you can see the whole video on how you can use this software. The help window can be accessed by right-clicking on any blank space and then choosing help from the context menu.

In version 1.2, we have now added themes option. It helps you to use the application in daylight as well as at night times. You can access themes by right-clicking on any blank space and then choosing your desired theme from the context menu.

This is a free tool, if you have paid for this software then please get a refund and download from this official site for free.

To download this application for free, click the blue download button shown above.

Safeer Ahmed (Founder And CEO Of Vision.Inc) (Professionally Civil Engineer)
Hello 2018 ! Unfortunately my developments for you guys end here. I had a great time sharing my creations with all of you and now its time for a proper goodbye. I am very thankful for what i have achieved and will remain thankful for what i will achieve throughout my remaining life.